Aviareto – April 2016
We have recently completed a stand out project for Aviareto in Blanchardstown. Following the successful handover of the project, their MD kindly sent us a note and the following is an excerpt from the note:
“Aviareto Limited in small global online business serving lawyers and financiers in the aviation finance industry from Blanchardstown, Dublin. It is a unique business serving a special function in the process of selling, financing and leasing aircraft. It has a particular focus on cyber security and trustworthiness. Aviareto is growing steadily and found that it needed to double its office space while also providing enhanced facilities for staff who now work through the night. Aviareto’s key success criteria for the project were security (both actual and perceived), build quality, reuse where possible of existing material and structures, aviation theme and enhanced staff facilities.”
“The stand-out design feature is the engine room. This is both a show piece for our clients and a functional space when we are dealing with major system faults or cyber-security issues. The build complexity is very high and the need for a high standard of finish was paramount. With curved glass walls and sliding doors, LED lighting within the glass, a large circular ceiling and sophisticated AV requirements, the build was not easy. As issues arose they were discussed and managed. I knew we were in good hands when, at a very early stage, All Systems had built several models of the system using available materials and LEDS to demonstrate the effect to us of the different materials, allowing us to make an informed decision. They clearly risk assessed the build in advance and took steps to reduce problems before they arose.”
“The project came in on time and on budget with only minor items to be reworked after we moved in. The rework was handled well given that we were live and operational; Allsystems worked around us causing as little disruption as possible. It is always nice when we hire new staff and show them around the office, they are usually dumbstruck. That should allow us to retain staff which is a real business benefit in the high skilled knowledge economy area we recruit in.”
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